LAB DAY 5: CPR & Heimlich manewer
In this practice we learned how to do a CPR and the Heimlich manewer. CPR means Cardio Pulmonary Resucitation. If you have a problem like this you will have to call the emergency number, the 112. The steps of the CPR are:
1- Ask the person if he/she is okay, of consciousness.
2- Seak for help.
3- Check if the person is breathing or not looking feeling and listening
4- If he/she is not breathing you do the CPR.
You have to do the CPR in cicles of 30:2. 30 chest compressions and 2 insuflations. But in the case the victim is a child what you have to do is 5 insuflations before doing 30:2, and you have to them with only one hand. If the victim is a baby you have to do 5 insuflations and then 15:2, but with only two fingers.
Conscious choking
5 back blows
5 abdominal thrusts → you look for the belly buttom and but your fist (the right one) and covers it with the other hand (opened), but up ( the impulse you do it up).
A baby choking
You put the baby facing down in your forearm and you do 5 compretions with 2 fingers.
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